On Monday, during the joint programme of Deeper Life Christain Ministry, Christain Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) in Jalingo, Taraba State, titles "Total Liberation through Christ" , the founder of Deeper Life Christain Ministry says in the Minister Conference Day5 that Television was seen as evil at the early stage of its invention.
In the message titles "The Anointed minister with the Authorized", he explained the need of the general church to take over the gadget and news technology inventions for the proclaimation of the gospel.
"The evil doers are using new methods to do more evil, the church was at sleep, when Radio was newly invented ,the church say no!, that it is evil, yet the evil doers keep using it for evil until the church wake up, also when Television came out, the church said no, that it is evil, yet the evil doers keep using it for evil, same thing to social media." Pastor W.F. Kumuyi charged the church to wake up and take over. If the world is going worse and worse, the church need to do better and better. The programme continue and schedules to end on Tuesday, 1st of March, 2022.